New paths for graphic interpretation – workshops for musicians / Warszawa
The Chopin University of Music
St. Okólnik 2, 00-368 Warszawa
11.00 AM
Coordinator Dr. Leszek Lorent

It is now 80 years since the liquidation of the Jewish ghettos in Nazi-occupied Poland. Roman Haubenstock-Ramati managed to escape and was accepted to study in Lvov, Ukraine, until he had to flee again from the darkest forces of the last century.
His epic ‘Konstellationen’ consists of 25 graphic scores. While the visual beauty of these images is obvious, the question of how exactly to interpret his breaking lines and disembodied note heads remains unanswered. Haubenstock-Ramati’s graphics build a web of associations, using basic symbols – bold lines, scattered dots, architectural circles – in new contexts, mixing and changing the perspective between foreground and background.
In the workshop New Paths for Interpreting Graphic Scores, dedicated to musicians, Per Åke HOLMLANDER and Anders NYQVIST will teach how to interpret graphic scores.
Workshop participants will work on the following material:
Roman HAUBENSTOCK-RAMATI: “Konstellationen”
Olle BONNIÉR: “Pling” & “Plingeling”
Per-Åke HOLMLANDER: “a B-O-X piece”