Ensemble E / Mats Gustafsson – EE Opus One / Warszawa 2023

In Between Norway & Poland / Culture is a 2-year project in the field of music, contemporary art and education, carried out between 2021 and 2023 with KODY festival, Oslo Jazzfestival, Nasjonal jazzscene – Victoria and NyMusikk Trondheim. The main curator of the project is Mats Gustafsson – one of the most respected European representatives of improvised music, musician, composer and educator.
Prosjektet In Between Norway & Poland / Culture er finansiert av Island, Liechtenstein og Norge under Action 2 Improving access to culture and the arts of the Culture Programme within the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.
For mer informasjon om det norske fondet og EØS-midlene, vennligst besøk:
Sammen arbeider vi for et grønt, konkurransedyktig og inkluderende Europa.
Prosjektleder In Between Norway & Poland / KULTUR
Avant Art
Bolesławiecka-gaten 1/24a, 53-614 Wrocław, Polen